Stay in control
Automated Cow Sorting and Routing
Vigreen Sorting and Routing controls the entire cow flow on the farm. The processes of separating cows for treatment and routing cows to any specific location in the barn or to pasture are fully automated. This saves time and labor and facilitates controlled growth. Integration with Vigreen CowControl makes it possible to automatically separate cows needing to be inseminated or treated according to heat and health alerts, without having to touch them a single time. Vigreen Sorting and Routing is extremely flexible with capabilities including:
- Incidental or repeated sorting
- Sorting and routing per animal or group
- Sorting based on notification alerts
The system is designed from the renowned Vigreen Identification Technology. With Vigreen technology on your farm, you build a solid foundation for additional growth and improved effectiveness.
Improve cow flow
Save time and labor
With Vigreen Sorting and Routing, the entire process of separating cows for treatment and/or routing cows where you want them is fully automated. The system controls the entire cow flow on the farm. Using the Vigreen Dairy Management System, you or your employees can easily determine which individual cow or cow groups need to be separated or routed and the location to where they need to be sent.
You select, Vigreen separates! This saves valuable time and labor.

Get in touch
Want to know more about what smart cow traffic solutions can do for you? Get in touch!